First, we need to understand what the true God is not.
The true God is not a man but a Spirit Being.
The true God is not the God that men formed out of their own image to conform to their own likeness.
The true God is not a white man sitting on a cloudy throne with white angels attending to him.
The true God is not the God of only a particular religion neither is any one particular religion the only way to the true God.
The true God needs nothing from you because nothing you have can sustain the true God.
The true God does not dwell in temples, churches, mosques, or shrines, as though you cannot connect with the true God without going to these places.
The true God is everywhere. In the true God we live, move, and have our being.
The true God is not a jealous God because the true God has nothing against which to contest for attention or affection for creation or creatures.
The true God does not regret the actions that flow from The Creative Will of the true God because the true God performs with the highest form of intelligence and wisdom from eons past.
The true God has no favourites from all creation and creatures are precious and perfect in the Eye of the true God.
The true God is no respecter of persons and has set into motion Divine Laws by which men must regulate their lives, outside of which they bring miseries upon themselves.
The true God has no religion and no religion alone has the true God.
The language of the true God is Love and whoever does not love does not abide in the true God.
allow your meditation to lead you into the beauties of the true God by these sayings of what the true God is not.
connect to the true God!
Understand this. You are always connected to the true God even by a spark of light buried in your soul by the darkness of lies and errors.
To enjoy your connection to the true God is to know What the true God is.
The true God is the light in your soul.
The true God is the conscience of your heart.
The true God is the beauty of the peace of your life.
The true God is the lessons and wisdom of your sufferings.
The true God is the Spirit in the wind that embraces and nourishes you with life.
The true God is the love in the eyes of the innocent, the kindness in the heart of the simple, the laughter from the soul of the righteous, and the comfort in the company of true friends.
The true God is in Nature, in the brilliance of the rising of the Sun, in the movement of the dance of the clouds, in the fluttering of trees, in the flight of birds and in the experience of everything that creeps and swims.
The true God is in the depths of the deepest oceans and in the heights of the highest heavens.
The true God is in the motion of the stars and planets, in the gyration of galaxies, in the speed of light and sound, and in the music that echoes across the vast universe.
The true God is in the Blackness of Universal Space, regulating from the Realm of Invisibility all Creation.
In your thoughts of Who the true God is, you enter into the true God.
In your meditation of the true God and the Ways of the true God, you align, commune, and listen to the true God.
In your prayers to the true God, you express your gratitude.
By the purity of your heart and mind, you worship the true God.
By the love and charity of your heart, you speak the language of the true God.
In your seeking for knowledge and illumination, you open the invisible books of the true God.
In your teaching of the wisdom of your experiences, you become a co-worker of the true God.
By loving all irrespective of race and religion, you express the nature of the true God in you.