Hell is regarded by various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering. That is not the hell being mentioned here. The hell I am talking about is the hell of human conditions characterized by pain, sorrow, unhappiness, and fear of death.
Millions of people are living in hell here on Earth, burning by the fires of diseases, poverty, and the consequences of bad habits. Among these people are those addicted to hard drugs, alcohol, and harmful substances. The promiscuous too, those passionate with uncontrollable sexual drives, who hurt themselves with sexually transmitted diseases and with the impurities of the souls they sleep with, are in this hell. Many of these people are begging to be brought out of bondage to these conditions. Some get lucky, but others die in their hell. By following these steps on how to get out of hell, you will learn how not to get into it.
Be Righteous
Being morally upright is expected of all humans. No other lifestyle is fitting for us than the life of righteousness. This is not about the religious life and the doing of rites which your religion demands. It is about being good, and decent, and always doing what is right even when you don’t want to. It is about talking and acting right and being pure down to your most secret thoughts. Your thoughts are the determiners of your words and your actions. If it is right in your thinking, it will be right in the things you say and do.
Cultivate A Healthy Environment
No person with self-respect tolerates living in an unhealthy environment. Dirtiness of your living spaces should always be frowned upon. Your home or wherever you lay your head should be clean, tidy, and ventilated. Diseases can spring up in a dirty home. Dirty homes do not support healing and can affect the mind of those living in them. Avoid spending your time in dirty places and even if you live in a town with bad streets ensure your home is a small haven where health dwells. If you can move to another cleaner town, don’t hesitate.
Eat Well
Unhealthy eating pattern puts people at risk of sickness. Obesity, cancer, diabetes, and several other illnesses can result from indulgence in certain foods. Diet cannot be balanced if it does not have fruits and vegetables in it. Too much junk food is bad. Preparing your meals inside dirty, pest-infested kitchens is bad. Consuming too much carbonated drinks is bad and drinking cold water on oily food is equally bad. Boost your immune system with healthy food, fruits and vegetables, and a lot of water. A healthy immune system fights off disease-causing agents and allows your brain to work well. People who live long, eat well.
Be Frugal
To be sparing and economical with your money is not poverty. People think being frugal is behaviour coming from a mindset of lack and fear of poverty. You go broke often because you were not careful of your spending. It is one thing to spend money on things you need for your survival and it is another thing to overspend on these same things because you are trying to impress yourself and others. Penury is the fruit of financial recklessness and those who are foolish with money go broke, beg, steal or do silly things for money, and may go poor. Spending money on things which slowly destroy you is foolishness. It is like reducing the steps of the ladder that should take you into long life. Work and earn. Save money. Look for businesses to invest in and do not try to impress your friends and strangers with a life of extravagance.
Do Not Use Harmful Drugs
Too many damaged lives have resulted from the use of harmful drugs. People take flights on the wings of pleasure using hard drugs and other substances which offer them momentary thrills while at the same time hurting their bodies. Some insane and mentally retarded folks fall into their hellish conditions as a result of drug abuse. Hard drugs destroy the mind and reduce the individual to an animal. Shun the glorification of hard drugs on television and on social media and stay off cigarettes. Seek help from a therapist if abandoning an addiction is a problem for you. Leave people and places which feed your addiction and cultivate a spiritual life.
Do Not Drink to Excess
Alcoholism is a big problem in our world. Lives are being wasted on alcohol addiction. Because alcohol is more associated with merriment and partying too many people use it than the numbers of those who use hard drugs. Beer and strong spirits do damage to organs of the body and also leave the auric field open for the entrance of negative energies. Drunk people don’t think right and continued drunkenness makes them stupid. Drunk people open themselves to diseases and untimely death. Drinking takes lives in too many ways than one.
Shun Promiscuity
Uncontrollable passion for sexual pleasure turns people into slaves to sex. They allow impure thoughts, lust, and inordinate libido to rule their lives. To satisfy their recurring craving for sex, they turn to multiple partners and the heat in them leaves many doing unprotected intercourse, opening them to diseases some of which ruin lives. Be faithful to a partner and shun lust.
Stay Off Evil Works
Doing evil brings with it pain and regret. The effects of putting your hand into diabolical works can leave you suffering mental torment, lack of peace, regrets, and punishment by the law of karma. People can run mad dining with evil and the lifestyle of evildoers is ugly and unattractive.
Avoid Negative Company
Negative people drain you of the positivity you carry and fill you with negativity. They don’t see anything good in life. They carry doubts, fear, pessimism, and cussing-like labels and will talk you down with good intentions. Negative people will make you follow a culture which condones comfort zones and hates making adventures into the unknown and taking risks. Friends are a negative company if they fuel negative habits in you. No matter how dear they are to you, friends who don’t make you climb will make you fall. People are in a mess because they have bad friends.
Never Stay Lazy
You have heard it said that the lazy man makes no bread. Lazy people stay idle and become breeders of many of the ills of society. They don’t want to work and do something with their minds so they stay poor and are often unable to cover themselves from strong blows of life like disease and accidents. Lazy people hate to work but love to party. And because they are also lazy to educate themselves they stay ignorant. Lazy people cannot be creative even if they are talented.
These guides have within them shades of interpretation if you think deeply about them. If you abide by them you will live an honourable, healthy life like those in heaven. They will make you live a life devoid of thoughts and habits which make life a living hell for millions of people.
Great piece!
Thanks a bunch, Victor.
Thank you, Muyiwa, for reading.