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Don’t Force Me To Be Christian

Some narratives are going on in my life that I cannot be proud of and the only way to at least unburden myself of the trauma they cause me is to write about them. Writing about them makes these narratives more understandable than talking about them. The tendency of looking crazy displays itself when people to whom I talk about these things just cannot fathom what I am talking about.

There are some things about your life that no one may understand except they have a similar experience. If they don’t have that experiential connection, it will be difficult to convey the message to them, but it is not impossible.

I am under the radar of some shadow people and it is not with pleasure that I say this. I am encompassed, in the mental and ethereal realms, by “people” who want to direct me not because they want the best for me, but because they want their desires to be fulfilled. They want to use me but I want to use myself and they do not want that, other than what they want to use me for. These people are working out a shadow government that wants certain things to remain as they have always been or to see things take shape in society as they want them to. So they go after certain people to be their agents, the servants through whom the scripts they prepare in the shadows for the masses should find actions in the theatre of society. Unless things go their way, these shadow people find no rest. When those they handpick to serve their agenda don’t do as they want, they direct weapons of oppression on them. These weapons are psychological and occultic that leave their telltale signs on the physical life of their “victims”. The antagonism is hotter if these “disobedient rebels” are championing personal ideas that are opposed to the agendas of these shadow people.

About two years ago, I wanted to write a book I titled Preach Jesus or Die. I wanted to share certain experiences of my life that bordered on mind control through very covert means by people I know and do not know. I wanted to use that book to narrate how through dreams, voices in my head, mind control, psychological attacks, psychic manipulation, hypnosis, and hallucinations, my life has been one bundle of possession, oppression, and torment to the point that I reached a place in my life where I could say to myself that I am traumatized. Traumatized not by grief at the loss of a loved one or some other external occurrences. This trauma happens because of the intrusion into my privacy that invisible hands have made. Handlers who think they own me, who think I can be nothing else other than the persona in the script they have worked out for me. They arrest whatever development is going on in my life if it is not going according to their schemes. They steal my vital life force and thoughts and absorb them into themselves. They attempt to bring me down to great lows so that I can kneel to the god they set before me, the same god they want me to serve and minister for, in the name of Jesus.

As I have observed in my life, my interaction with these shadow people informs me that they do not want me to have anything other than Christianity. They do not want me to be anybody else other than a pastor which they ring in my ears incessantly. They do not want me to be free, a freethinker, a free person who has his freedom of thought. They do not want me to have an independent thought about God and the nature of reality. They do not want me to have my rituals of prayer and meditation if it is not the same as singing praises of flattery to their god and making supplications for things in my power to get which they stand against me from getting until I serve them to get the things I have in my ability to get. They use very covert means to engineer mental and physical scenarios that they expect should pause the self-directing trajectory of my life and align me back to Christianity where I am obliged to serve as a pastor. They use covert means to beat ideas out of me and throw ideas into me that turn my mind back to the church, to the obligation to serve Jesus, to the command to be a Christian. They threaten me with hell but never make promises of heaven. They harass, belittle, humiliate, manipulate, insult, mock, and oppose me just to break down my mental defences and have me crawling back to the feet of their god and ask for “forgiveness” against being punished, and then receive restoration to the imaginary relationship with Jesus, so that I can be and do what the god has in plan for my life, which is no good plan at all but servitude to a power that is seeking, by all means, to keep itself in power in a world witnessing the undercurrents of enlightenment that are waking men and women up from their sleep, from the spiritual slumber that these shadow people, the powers that be, have hypothesized people into through many years.

I don’t want to be a pastor for Christianity. I used to think it was my destiny. But I only imagined what has been imagined for me since I was a boy, what was scripted and buried in my mind, because as life is, I, like many others, have been under the radar of the shadow rulers of society who need us to serve them and get paid with fame and wealth for doing so, as though we cannot get fame and wealth being ourselves and through whatever we do. First, they have to make you feel that the “dream” you carry in your heart is your self-generated desire. You did not know when it was planted there, concocted with the scripts of your being. They have to understand your genetic makeup to assign you a role, meanwhile, in the grand scheme of things, you are to be someone else.

I am someone else. I know who I am. I have to be let alone to be who The Almighty encoded me to be. If I serve the public, there will be a message to pass to them, not the message of the church or any sect. I do not want to be part of a system whose designs are to keep people out of their true forms, taking their lives and surrendering them to men and women posing as lords, queens, and deities of religion. If I had not known these things, I would have been blindly following, humbly obeying, and zealously serving what is nothing but “the excrements of the gods”, what shadow people in high places have excreted out of themselves into the mouth of those who give them their lives to feed on, through belief, mindless prayers, praise and worship, and offerings that gods who claim they have it all still seek from their devotees.

Christianity is a sham! A huge fraud! The Words of Christ, if they are worth as precious as we are told, do not sit well in the church as it is. Those words were not even made for religion but they have been exploited, and bastardized, serving only the designs of power-hungry mind controllers who do not want society to evolve past the hell of a reality they have foisted upon it.

What you just read here is little compared to what I wrote in my upcoming book, Journey Into Self which you can download to read. When I tell people these things, the majority do not understand. Their confusion makes me look like I am delusional and that the things happening to me are creations of a sick mind. The truth, however, is that I am not crazy. I am more enlightened than many of them posing as carriers of light. I know where all these started. I know what is happening. Lies, deception, mind control, in the name of Jesus, and in the name of other gods of religion serving the same control agenda in different lands. I know the people “working” in my head. I know the things they do. I know some of the means they use and I see through all their creations and operations to be able to reach reasonable conclusions. I stand on my feet to tell them to their faces:


I have abandoned that faith. Let the fanatics and loyal scholars bear the burden of the ministry of the faith that they seek from me. I have a different message, one aligned with the Will of The Almighty. I cannot be your slave even if I wanted to because something in me, something stronger, purer, and wise, always brings me back to alignment with the truth of my being.

Victor Negro

My mission is to enlighten, edify, and encourage you for an exceptional life. May the Light flood your mind with understanding every time you read my work. I want you to read my books. On the home page you will find my books and a direct link to download them.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Chizoba Eze

    Is it possible for you to be encompassed in the mental and celestial realms, without your consent?

    1. Victor Negro

      Yes, it is possible. Right now, a lot is happening the mental and spiritual realms already, you only need to be aware of them. Some of them are so subtle, you do not notice their influence upon your life.

  2. Chidimma

    Life is very difficult one, at times you don’t get what you want it seems like somebody is directing your steps for you, can such life you want to live come through?

    1. Victor Negro

      Pardon me for replying late to this. Yes, it is possible that the life you want comes through for you but you have to get yourself off the strings of those who do not want that to happen, and that is all about taking charge of your thoughts and the decisions you make.

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