Trees have light. Trees glow. This is what I saw that reminded me that we live in the midst of magic. Sadly, almost all eyes are veiled to the magical glow of all things, blinded to the beauty within which we live and have our being.
I saw a tree glow. This perception was instant as was the impression it left on my mind. I had returned from what would have been described as a stressful day with long hours commuting from one end of the state of Lagos to another. The total number of hours spent was ten. I returned home stressed and was about to take a bath in an external bathroom when my full eyes caught the glow of a palm tree standing majestically across a fence. The glow was a luminous aura, gleaming, sparkling, pure and whitish – it was a light like no light man has created. It was more than an aura. It was the true light form of the tree which it is hiding, by God’s design, behind green fronds. The fronds of the palm tree were spread like the outstretched fingers of a human palm and the luminous glow I perceived was like a shining star. It was instant but it impressed upon my mind just one thing – one thing before I saw it no more. It reminded me, no it taught me with certainty, without a space for doubt, that I live within magic, I exist in a sublime reality, in spiritual beauty, and that this materiality, this world of matter clothing this spiritual beauty is as deceiving to the senses as is the fleshy body covering my spirit.
When the impression of the luminous glow sank into my mind, I felt a question quickly spring up to the surface of my consciousness. It asked, “then why do people live in the dark?”. The question was deeper than this. It was prodding and philosophical and asked so much in just a single thought. It sought to understand within that moment why men and women live in darkness and misery, why ignorance reign, why there is such blindness in people as not to know the real nature of Creation?
The question asked why I, too, was living so ignorantly, why was I so pitifully living my life with a blindfold while magic howls, rustles, flutters, and radiates around me. Why do my heart wail when it could just be silent and let the hum of beauty vibrate within it?
I could have cried to see the condition of myself and more so for the condition of others who live like folks without eyes.
This thing is pure evil! To be ignorant, to not know, to be spiritually blind, to walk with bent backs when you could strut as a proud citizen of a universe of splendor and magic. It is evil to miserably idle away at life when you could partake in this magic and perform as sons and daughters of God. It is evil to fear the actions of other ignorant men and women when you are in essence standing protected in the light and power of God streaming through life!
To think that so much is wrong on Earth, wrong in how humans see themselves and relate with one another, in what they create for security, ease, and pleasure; to think that there is so much errors, lies, and deceptions in a world of truth, so much ugliness in a creation of beauty, so much suffering in a realm of bliss, so much chaos in a universe of peace, to think all these can throw one into a pool of sorrow worse than the sea of death and similar to the feeling of separation from God. The cure that men today need is the healing from spiritual blindness, the salvation of their souls from spiritual darkness.
Spiritual blindness is less of a consequence for discontinuing a longing for God in the heart and more of a deliberate operation of the forces of darkness who blind men, women, and children, and make them not see who they truly are in order to align and live right as children of light. The darkness shuts men in within a created reality of errors and falsehood, in cages haunted by demons of hell and spirits of superstition. Within this prisons of spiritual death, the minds of men perform the service of helping to strengthen the prison bars around them through blind faith, irrational beliefs, and thoughts that form words and actions loyal to the darkness.
Until the blindfold is broken no one is free. To break the blindfold is the goal of enlightenment and illumination, not just to pull it down a bit in order to steal a glance at true reality and then pull it back up again and forget what one has seen. The task is to break down the blindfold and burn it up.
The soul that is free stands before all things as they are and the things that were not, the false and the fleeting, all fade before him as he beholds the true form of things and himself.
Pity to the one who walks on the earth and thinks himself to be just flesh and bone, the air he breaths he considers mere oxygen, the water he drinks mere liquid. The birds of the air and all creatures that creep and swim he sees to be just animals. He thinks the Earth is just a planet and himself just human. He does not know that all these forms are mere coverings for something true, sublime, sacred, and eternal, just as his body is a covering for something true, something with more colourful and luminous aura than his imagination can conceive.
This paragraph is really loaded, the Writer said and I quote, “Spiritual blindness is less of a consequence for discontinuing a longing for God in the heart and more of a deliberate operation of the forces of darkness who blind men, women, and children, and make them not see who they truly are in order to align and live right as children of light”.
Man is a Spirit that has a soul and lives in a body. The body is just a house that accommodates you as a Spirit and your Soul.
They is more to who you are and what you can do, there is something extraordinary, something supernatural, something with more colourful and luminous aura than your imagination can ever conceive.
Well done Sir.
Thank you so much for your kind remarks. I really appreciate you.