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How Your Achievement in Life is Measured

Someone asked me “What should be a man’s greatest achievement“? Upon thought, I realize that the answer would be different if the question was phrased as “What is a man’s greatest achievement?” Rather, it asked “what should be” implying a universal template by which human success may be measured. My answer is that “a well-regulated life and the fruits of the mind of the individual, brought about through an intelligent use of thought and imagination are the measurement of human achievement“.

A well-regulated life is a life lived on virtues and principles a life ordered to give the individual the highest possible level of happiness without hurting others. The godly life is not only defined by religious standards but by qualities which build people into excellent humans worthy of emulation. Such qualities as decency, integrity, honesty, love, charity, knowledge, and wisdom. These qualities are better seeded in childhood but those who lack them in adulthood can learn them. A well-regulated life is a godly life.

The use of the mind to aid one in the business of his or her life is another mark of a life well lived. The human mind is an awesome equipment, by it, things come into being that have built and beautified our world. Every human possesses a mind and everyone can be creative by intelligent thoughts and imagination. The more creative a life is, the greater the happiness such a life will enjoy.

The living and the dead can be said to have truly achieved if they lived their lives by high moral standards and if their minds brought them the means to get what they need. They may not have big houses and all the luxury possessions people can have but their sunny lifestyle makes them stand out.

The school system should introduce a course of self-realization so that people can be taught to develop godly character, discover themselves and make the best use of their minds. Many people come from homes where these are not encouraged and they grow up to be badly formed adults who are not aware of the faults in their character. Many of them are ignorant that they can use their minds to do beautiful things with their lives. As a result of this, they live lives fraught with problems and it usually takes someone pointing to their faults to help them make life-changing decisions.

Victor Negro

My mission is to enlighten, edify, and encourage you for an exceptional life. May the Light flood your mind with understanding every time you read my work. I want you to read my books. On the home page you will find my books and a direct link to download them.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Maggy

    Indeed each time i read your articles light does gl6ood my eyes. Begin to See and think differently
    May God continue to bless the talent endowed in you

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