To have a calling is to have found an ideal that your soul is drawn to. This ideal is the central vision that you build purpose around. This ideal is futuristic and “pulls” you towards it until you get to it.
Your soul carries unique codes of being that allow you to interact with the world differently than someone else. The codes of your being determine how you see the world and interpret it. This informs you of how to relate to the world, what you stand to get from it, and what you can give. What you get are the experiences and the learning. What you give is your offering to fill up a need, a vacuum, a necessity that you have learned about through your experiences. Your offering may be to build systems, renovate, innovate, or invent things. It could be to write a book, create new art, or song, propound new theory, unveil new knowledge, or champion new understanding – something that raises human existence upwards.
Every goal, vision, or purpose is set in the future until you get to it. Every positive thing you do in the present creates a connection between you and that future time when the goal, vision, and purpose have been realised. Every negative thing sabotages the chance of connection to them.
That thing you want to actualise is your calling. It is not a single one-time goal. It is an ideal that would be realised through the actualisation of many small goals at all align with the ideal. Your ideal is the total picture of your life and what you should be doing with it in relation to the rest of the world. Your vision is what captures the structure of that ideal especially how it is in the future. Your goals are the steps that take you there.
Imagine a rope reaching out from you into the unknown future. You do not see the whole path it would pass to get to that future time. You do not see the detours, bypasses, and all the routes that this rope makes to the future. But in your mind’s eye, you see your mind connect to this goal, this ideal. You don’t know how exactly you will get there, but it stands over the horizon as a lighthouse calling you onwards through the ocean of uncertainties, risks, and failures.
Unlike the fisherman who throws his threaded hook into the river and “pulls” it out, once you connect with that future ideal, it pulls you towards it. It becomes like your future self waving a beacon to you, calling you to your ambition, to that thing you really want to do. Once you have settled into your lighthouse, you have found your calling. It is no longer a mere wish; it has become a reality. You know it because you are doing the very things you saw yourself doing back when you started fanning the fire of that idea that was ignited in you and that calling is taking you on a voyage to different places.
Once you have found your calling, you have landed base. You stop experimenting. Your options are narrowed down to the most important things. Your energy is concentrated and not thrown away in trials and errors. Self-discovery is no longer a nightmare. You have found it. You know yourself and no one else can tell you otherwise.
Your work here is to serve in the advancement of life. There is no other duty. You are willing and ready to do it.
The natural way of tuning into your calling in life is to listen to your heartbeat. Listen to your yearning, that unexplainable hunger in your heart for something, for a condition, a product, a substance, a reality. That thing you long for, to manifest, see, touch, feel, and share with others. That yearning is the consequence of the wiring of your soul, the unique codes of your being, and the passion and desire that it ignites as your soul interacts with society, and the world, both at the conscious and unconscious level of being. You relate with the world not only when your five senses are engaged, but when your subconscious is taking note of everything that your conscious mind is not aware it is doing. Through sharing “the collective mind”, you interact with the past, the present, and the future of society. Then the things you aim for in life will be prompted by the information you are becoming aware of subconsciously and consciously.
What you are perceiving in the world will influence what you want to give the world and what you think the world can give you. What you want to give the world is where you learn about your calling and are able to fashion a purpose for it.
Remember, the codes of your being – your wiring – will determine how you perceive the world and relate to it. When someone else is seeing the need for more machines in the world, your mind may be seeing the need for more books. The other has a wiring for the mechanical and may fashion a purpose to build machines. You have the wiring for the literary and may fashion a purpose to build libraries and distribute free books to the public. When you discover what is calling your being, you will create a purpose and fashion goals and a strategy to get there. No one can discover his or her purpose who has not discovered his or her calling.